What is a Piñone?
A piñone is a crossword-style word puzzle composed of two elements: A grid and an anagram blanks section:
The grid is solved using the clues provided and the directional indicators next to the grid. Unlike crosswords, words in a piñone can be backwards. The word’s direction is indicated by the placement of the clue’s number around the grid. For example, if a clue’s number is on the top, then that clue’s answer runs top to bottom (such as in a regular crossword). If the clue’s number is below the grid, then that clue’s answer runs bottom to top (backwards from a traditional crossword point of view).
The anagram blanks are solved using the letters in the solved grid. Each individual letter in the grid appears goes into the anagram blanks. If there are 3 “A”s in the grid, there will be three “A”s in the anagram. Effectively, it’s a big letter jumble. The title acts as a clue for the anagram solution.
Some of the letter placements are given to you. The cells with roman numerals in them correspond to the anagram blanks with roman numerals under them. For example, if the cell with the roman numeral “II” is an “M”, then the blank with the roman numeral “II” is where that “M” fits in the anagram.
A piñone is considered solved when both the grid and the anagram are completed.